Quality, Reliable People


The goal of my business is to have employees that are hired to work with our company and be both reliable and high quality individuals. If my organization is built with unorganized, or non-reliable people then it just drives me crazy. We all can be fooled and hire a polar opposite. Sometimes you have to thin the apples from the tree so you can spend your time working and tutoring the people that are worth harvesting as a part of my business. I don’t have time to be dependent upon an employee or contractor with my business that doesn’t share and agree with my philosophy. I am not in the business of running a adult day care. You must be able to understand the task at hand and be able to stay on schedule. If an employee is unable to communicate why they can’t stay on schedule but just tell me how its almost done…or will be done today but never is…not even a month later…. then they will become the most disposable part of my business goals.

Our goal as a company is to be open minded. We are willing to grow and change with the times. But we will not wait or be forced to accept someone that is unwilling to change and accept our philosophy. We feel we have a great strategy and we realize great improvement is needed. We won’t improve if we aren’t able to associate and attain the kind of minds and pieces of our business puzzle that maximize our basic philosophy of reliable communication and direction.