The Social Network Movie
I went to the highly anticipated movie about the creation of Facebook and its founder Mark Zuckerberg today. I loved his ruthless tone and comments and beliefs about certain personality types. He definetely didn’t do certain business partners any favors and had a level of thievery in regards to business ethics. In the end, I think it was his own insecurities that fueled that thievery and it wasn’t necessarily greed. Who knows the real story and how close this portrayed the real story. I presume that it was fairly accurate but who knows. I do know this…..
I kept thinking throughout the movie how I was grateful that I decided that I no longer wanted a business partner months ago.  One thing I am a strong believer in, is to find an ability to cut myself lose of personalities that cause problems within my business strategy. It all was a great experience to go through and I learned a lot about people throughout the process as the business broke up.  I will write much more about this in the coming months…more will be revealed. It was a very good thing to go through from a business learning experience. It just isn’t the kind of thing I should ever allow to happen again.
Some of my favorite quotes from my business partnership ending…….
“Okay…I want this to be a simple process, so lets get an Attorney”.
“The $500 per month discrepancy was probably because she didn’t carry the zero.”